Adventures, Chapter 2
It was dark in his own head, not to mention boring, so he left.
Everything was
wight. Two men was talking in a corner.
"...He has been in a coma for three years
, i don't think
there's much chance of him waking up now."
who are you talking about..." mumbled Cole. One of them
turned towards him and Cole instantly recognized him.
it was his
friend, Cadon. "Hi. What are you two doing in my house?"
Cadon looked hesitate to talk but
said... (proper way to write this: said, "We are...
"we are not in your house. We
re in the hospitable." Cole
looked at Cadon and the other man (He could tell he was a doctor) and
, he did not like the
hospitable at all.
“why am I here?” He asked.
you don't remember?” Cadon replied.
not in the foggiest!”
“a missile went off course and landed in Hangton Valley.”
“To say the lest
, your lucky to be alive!”
“Good. Still lucky then
, its boring being in a coma! Anyways...
how long do I have to stay here?” Cole asked the doctor.
“Until we are sure you wont have a
relapse.” the doctor replied.
“Meaning?...” replied Cole trying
to get a more precise answer.
“A week or so, if your lucky.”
“Good, I'm lucky”
The week passed very uneventfully to
Cole's surprise they let him out 3 days early.
Cadon came by to pick him since Cole
didn't have a car or license(it expired). On the way to cadons house
Cadon told him about a package the came for him today.
“...It was a sword! Why did they send
me a sword? It was sent to the right address, I checked that 3 times!
Weird right?”
“your vary talkative today. But that
is strange alright...” Cole then told him what he remembered from
the crash 3 years ago, including about the sword. “...and then I
blacked out.”
“The sword is following you!” Cadon
“I wasn't series you know.”
“I know your not Harry's god father!”
Cadon shook-ed his head and turned the
car into the driveway.
Inside was another surprise for them
both, a man was standing in the front room.