Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherd
Other names- Aussie, Spanish Shepherd, Pastor Dog, Bob-Tail, New Mexican Shepherd, and California Shepherd.
Best known for-ranch work, tricks, high energy and highly obedient.
Physical description-some are born with tails but almost all are docked at an early age.
Coat-long, double coated.
Color-red and blue merles, red, black, white, brindle, tri, or yellow, any of these can have white and/or tan markings.
Height-18-23 inches.
Weight-males are 45-65 pounds and females are 30-45 pounds.
Temperament-alert and fast learners, they live to please and need jobs to do.
History-brought here by basque shepherds via Australia. They were first really noticed by the public as rodeo clowns in the mid 1900's. The Aussie is probable a fairly old American breed, but because they were working dogs, there are very few records.
Climate-very adaptive.
Health/care-be careful choosing a breeder, common problems are eyes, hips and deafness in blue merels. Lifespan is 10-15 years.
Grooming-low grooming requirements for a long haired dog.
Reproduction-do not breed 2 blue merles together, the average litter is 6-9 puppies.
Work-an adaptable herder who is best with cattle and sheep but can work ducks, horses, kids etc…

Availability-a dog with papers may take some effort to find but they are very common in the field.

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